When I hear the phrase “ America the beautiful” something always happens to my brain…I have little flashes of a beautiful history I love to learn and I am proud to know more and more. The whole foundation of USA is just amazing. I am not going to lecture you about history (yes I am a History buff and my mission this summer is to go to Arlington, VA.) but every single moment in USA history speaks a million. Lessons learned, new ways created by and for a unique culture. A loving people eager to help, to share and to celebrate freedom.
Of course there is always those curious things about a nation…like my shock to eat hot dogs and beans! Whoa! I though…gosh the side effects. No wonder baseball games are always an explosion! lol! Kidding, well biologically speaking…not really : ). That is where my inspiration come from…a tribute to a delicacy that America gave to the world…The hot dog! I twinkle a little bit the mimosa baker stamp and transformed her roller pin into a nice giant hot dog! Easy breeze! You can do it too.
So for this 4 th of july celebrate the freedom, the people and the heroes that build this nation! Remember the ones that gave their lifes, the ones who volunteers, the ones still fighting and working to keep the old ideals live for future generations to come! Happy 4th USA. Happy 4TH!
Hey come and join us for this Red, white and blue celebration at Bildmalarna stamp blog challenge!
See ya! GO USA!!!!! World Soccer Cup in South Africa!